Jacci Den Hartog

Santa Monica, California, USA
APT Los Angeles
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  • Wendy Ewald's "Secret Games: Collaborative Works With Children, 1969–1999 - Six Projects" at Moore College of Art & Design is an edited version

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Jacci Den Hartog received an MFA in Sculpture from the Claremont Graduate School in Claremont, California, in 1986; a BA in Fine Art from Linfield College in McMinnville, Oregon, in 1984; and studied at the Centro Cultural Costarricesne Norteamericano in San Jose, Costa Rica, in 1982. Recent solo exhibitions include Kaboom Poof at Solway Jones in Los Angeles (2007); Moonshine at Christopher Grimes Gallery in Santa Monica, California (2004); Sculpture at Christopher Grimes Gallery in Santa Monica, California (2002); Viewing Pavilions and Borrowed Views at Christopher Grimes Gallery in Santa Monica, California, and The Contemporary Art Center in Cincinnati, Ohio (2000); and Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery in New York (1999). Recent group exhibitions include Interspace at Solway Jones in Los Angeles (2006); Materialwise Revisited, curated by Carl Berg, at Domestic Setting in Los Angeles (2006); Water, Water Everywhere at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Scottsdale, Arizona (2005); Fantasticism at Carl Berg Gallery in Los Angeles (2004); and Twenty-fifth Anniversary, The L.A. Years at Christopher Grimes Gallery in Santa Monica, California (2004). She is represented by Solway Jones in Los Angeles. Jacci Den Hartog lives and works in Los Angeles.

"The seascape, like the landscape, is constantly changing yet it continues to provide an arena to explore the essentials of the visual - color and light, surface, form, opacity and transparency, space and detail -  and then presents a vast open panorama for individual projection. I want to take the simplicity of the line and the plane and turn these into spaces which beckon the imagination, conjure images of travel or romance or in the most recent pieces violence and danger. In this sense my challenge and desire has been to engage a sense of yearning, fantasy or fear that water can elicit and to give form to disembodied and boundless fluidity, providing an experience of nature that is as much felt as seen." - Jacci Den Hartog

For additional information about this artist, visit Mutual Art