Alex Schweder

Seattle, Washington, USA
APT Los Angeles
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언론 보도 및 출판물

  • Schneeman, a seminal feminist performance artist, shows her less-known works from the ’80s, ’90s and now.

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  • For Alex Schweder and Ward Shelley, the term “artist in residence” is often a very literal one: Collaborators since 2007, the pair practice what Schweder describes as “performance architecture,” or the exploration of how inhabiting a space affects us, psychologically. So they build interesting structures, and then move in

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  • Over the course of ten days, New York-based artist Alex Schweder will participate in the cultural life of the Glass House campus while occupying

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  • It’s 1 am in Denver, (3 am in NYC), and I’m on some seriously jacked wifi. It took fifteen minutes just find a signal, let alone figure out whether

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  • Not everything went well at the start of Denver’s Biennial of the Americas Tuesday. First the P.A. went silent at the kick off press conference

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  • A good deal of contemporary art blends characteristics from disparate practices: sculpture and painting, painting and photography, video

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  • You’re looking at my digs for the night. Architect Alex Schweder, along with the Biennial of the Americas team have invited me to sleep in this van

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Alex Schweder works with architecture and performance art to complicate the distinction between occupying subjects and occupied objects. These projects include Practise Architecture at Tate Britain, Flatland at New York’s Sculpture Center, Its Form Follows Your Performance at Berlin’s Magnus Muller, A Sac of Rooms All Day Long at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Counterweight Roommate in Scope Basel, Roomograph at the deCordova Museum, and The Rise and fall in the Marrakech Biennial.  The Pollack Krasner and Graham Foundations have funded his projects. Schweder is the author of Stalls Between Walls included in Ladies and Gents, the Gendering of Public Toilets and Performance Architecture included in Urban Interiors. He is a three-time artist in residence at the Kohler Company and was in residence at the Chinati Foundation and American Academy in Rome. Schweder has been a guest professor at the Southern California Institute of Architecture, Pratt Institute, and the Institute for Art and Architecture in Vienna.

For additional information about this artist, visit Mutual Art