Laura Aldridge

Glasgow, United Kingdom
APT Global One
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언론 보도 및 출판물

  • The Edinburgh Art Festival remains a slender operation compared to many art events, with just seven new commissions this year, relying heavily on partner shows.

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  • Frieze London closed their 14th edition of the fair on Sunday 9th October, reporting significant sales to private collectors and public institutions.

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  • Koppe Astner is delighted to present “Inside all my activities”, Laura Aldridge’s second solo exhibition with the gallery.

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Laura Aldridge (b. 1978) graduated with an MFA from Glasgow School of Art in 2006, spending a period of exchange at CALARTS, Los Angeles. Recent solo exhibitions include: THINGS HELD INSIDE//THE NEW SEA, Kendall Koppe, Glasgow, 2012,  
Underside, backside, inside, even, CCA, Glasgow, 2012; Cairn, Pittenweem, Fife, 2011; Studio Voltaire, London, 2011 and Cats are not important, Transmission Gallery,Glasgow, 2011. Her work has been included in numerous group shows including, Supplement, London, White Columns, New York and Shane Campbell Gallery, Chicago. Forthcoming projects include; Glasgow International Festival of Visual Art, a two person exhibition at Andrew Krepps New York, and Tramway, Glasgow.

For additional information about this artist, visit Mutual Art