Daniel Duford

Portland, Oregon, USA
APT Los Angeles
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  • Daniel Duford is a Portland, Oregon–based artist and writer. His latest ceramics, which he discusses below, are featured in the exhibition

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Daniel Duford is a 2010 Hallie Ford Fellow and a recent recipient of an Art Matters grant. He makes comics, pots, paintings and sculpture. His work has been shown in museums and galleries around the US including MASS MoCA. Schneider Museum of Art, Atlanta Center for Contemporary Art and Bellevue Arts Museum. His publications include the graphic novels The Unfortunates, The Naked Boy, The Green Man of Portland and a book of poems, Wellspring: Poems 1993-2003. His writing has appeared in High Desert Journal, Parabola, ARTnews and Artweek. In 2012 he curated “Fighting Men: Leon Golub, Peter Voulkos and Jack Kirby” at Hoffman Gallery at Lewis and Clark College. In 2016 he co-curated “Intersecciones: Havana/Portland” also at the Hoffman Gallery. He is Associate Professor of Art at Reed College in Portland, Oregon.


For additional information about this artist, visit Mutual Art