Auf AEG, 09/14/2013 - 10/12/2013
AUF Aeg/Nurnberg, Germany - Sept 14-Oct 12, 2013
Heralding the largest exhibition to date of contemporary artworks from the APT Collection, APT Institute is pleased to present "CAUTION! THINGS MAY APPEAR DIFFERENT THAN THEY ARE" at Auf AEG in Nuremberg, Germany. It is a carefully constructed artwork experience - ranging as much in nationality as in subject matter - that underscores the act of viewing with investigations of appearances.
Enlightenment saw beauty as a "delight that is consistent with reason." In reference to an aesthetic quality not in opposition to beauty, but a quality of a grander and possibly higher importance than beauty, the ‘Sublime’ was introduced. Originally referring to feelings experienced when traveling the Alps, it quickly was used to describe situations when the imagination is moved to awe instilled with a degree of horror by what is "dark, uncertain, and confused.“ (Edmund Burke)
Today, in post-Freudian and post-Jungian days, it is widely held that beauty is in the eye of the beholder—and so is meaning. Whether concrete or associative, it is largely formed by an equally subjective slate of unconscious determinants, by individual as well as collective experience, knowledge, culture, and history. Knowing all this, today's world is still filled with enigmatic signifiers and deceptive representations making for experiences that are often uncanny, surreal, fantastic, and sometimes misleading. The pleasure of imagination quite often turns into disquieting experiences. In fact, it seems that universally we are in a constant state of navigation leading to a sense of instability and flux. The artworks include references that vary from individual psychology to political issues. Some follow a cause while others may reject their own manipulative design with a humorous attitude.
The exhibition features artworks by Hamdi Attia (EGY), Rui Calçada Bastos (PT), Agata Bogacka (PL), Veronica Brovall (S), Rick Buckley (GB), Susanne Bürner (D), Paolo Chiasera (I), Jeanne Dunning (USA), Katja Eckert (D), Barbara Ess (USA), Göran Gnaudschun (D), Eva Grubinger (D), Tommy Hartung (USA), Stef Heidhues (D), Michael Kunze (D), Lars Morell (N), Geof Oppenheimer (USA), Yehudit Sasportas (IL), Noé Sendas (PT), Chiharu Shiota (JP/D), Anatoly Shuravlev (RU/D), Monika Sosnowska (PL), David Ter-Organyan (RU), Mungo Thomson (USA) and Siebren Versteeg (USA).
All works included in this exhibition are part of the Artist Pension Trust® Collection.
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AUF Aeg/Nurnberg, Germany - Sept 14-Oct 12, 2013
Heralding the largest exhibition to date of contemporary artworks from the APT Collection, APT Institute is pleased to present "CAUTION! THINGS MAY APPEAR DIFFERENT THAN THEY ARE" at Auf AEG in Nuremberg, Germany. It is a carefully constructed artwork experience - ranging as much in nationality as in subject matter - that underscores the act of viewing with investigations of appearances.
Enlightenment saw beauty as a "delight that is consistent with reason." In reference to an aesthetic quality not in opposition to beauty, but a quality of a grander and possibly higher importance than beauty, the ‘Sublime’ was introduced. Originally referring to feelings experienced when traveling the Alps, it quickly was used to describe situations when the imagination is moved to awe instilled with a degree of horror by what is "dark, uncertain, and confused.“ (Edmund Burke)
Today, in post-Freudian and post-Jungian days, it is widely held that beauty is in the eye of the beholder—and so is meaning. Whether concrete or associative, it is largely formed by an equally subjective slate of unconscious determinants, by individual as well as collective experience, knowledge, culture, and history. Knowing all this, today's world is still filled with enigmatic signifiers and deceptive representations making for experiences that are often uncanny, surreal, fantastic, and sometimes misleading. The pleasure of imagination quite often turns into disquieting experiences. In fact, it seems that universally we are in a constant state of navigation leading to a sense of instability and flux. The artworks include references that vary from individual psychology to political issues. Some follow a cause while others may reject their own manipulative design with a humorous attitude.
The exhibition features artworks by Hamdi Attia (EGY), Rui Calçada Bastos (PT), Agata Bogacka (PL), Veronica Brovall (S), Rick Buckley (GB), Susanne Bürner (D), Paolo Chiasera (I), Jeanne Dunning (USA), Katja Eckert (D), Barbara Ess (USA), Göran Gnaudschun (D), Eva Grubinger (D), Tommy Hartung (USA), Stef Heidhues (D), Michael Kunze (D), Lars Morell (N), Geof Oppenheimer (USA), Yehudit Sasportas (IL), Noé Sendas (PT), Chiharu Shiota (JP/D), Anatoly Shuravlev (RU/D), Monika Sosnowska (PL), David Ter-Organyan (RU), Mungo Thomson (USA) and Siebren Versteeg (USA).
All works included in this exhibition are part of the Artist Pension Trust® Collection.
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