Lani Maestro was born in Manila, Philippines where she began
working professionally as an artist in the late seventies until she
immigrated to Canada in 1982. Her expanded art practice includes
exhibitions with installation and sculpture, incorporating writing
and book works, drawing, video, photography, sound and film. In the
early nineties, her collaborative engagement with artist and
critic, Stephen Horne launched Harbour Magazine of Art and Everyday
Life, a journal of writing and artworks by artists which she
co-edited and designed. This editorial project expanded to produce
burning books, artists’ books which also accompanied works in
exhibition at galerie burning, an itinerant gallery space she
co-directed in Montreal, Canada.
Lani Maestro’s work has been shown extensively and has gained
the respect and admiration of a diverse international artistic
community for its poetic minimalism, its subtle but forceful
engagement. Maestro has participated the Biennals of Canada (1998),
Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (2009), Busan, Korea (2004),
Shanghai, China (2000), Sydney, Australia (1998), Istanbul, Turkey
(1997), Havana, Cuba (1986/1994) where she received the Biennal
Lani Maestro lives and works in Canada, France and Manila.
For additional information about this artist, visit Mutual Art