Faycal Baghriche

Cư trú:
Paris, France
Quốc tịch:
APT Dubai
Truyền thông Xã hội của Nghệ sĩ
Theo dõi nghệ sĩ này
Chia sẻ nghệ sĩ này


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Giving priority to forms of performance, photography and video, Fayçal Baghriche’s (b. 1972; Skikda, Algeria) work brings out the stereotypes that sustain and codify exchanges between individuals. Reproducing scenes from daily life, the artist introduces slight discrepancies to reveal the automatic reflexes of language and behaviour that define the affiliation of these scenes with a meaningful structure. If all language reflects what we are (Roland Barthes), Fayçal Baghriche, in revealing the normative aspects of our common language, puts the functioning of our society at a critical distance.

Fayçal Baghriche's performances, videos and installations are stamped with a distinctive approach to everyday existence and the forms of behaviour it induces. Using semantic discrepancies and mises en scène to create breaches in the way reality functions, the artist transforms the public arena into a venue for startling transgressions, Ubuesque scenarios and minimalist actions tinged with humour. Confronting a world of speed and chaos, Baghriche achieves a detachment rooted in an analysis and decoding of historical commonplaces (notably in respect of art) and of hidden political and economic agendas. Through recourse to the poetic he has shaped an artistic practice which embodies a certain state of mind and triggers thoughtfully critical reactions.

Baghriche lives and works in Paris.


For additional information about this artist, visit Mutual Art