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APT London
ข่าวสาร และ สิ่งตีพิมพ์
Jairo Alfonso's artwork 386 is featured in the latest issue of ArtNexus Magazine, as part of the article Cuban America: An Empire State of Mind by Graciela Kartofel. (No.93 Volume 13 Year 2014)
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Throughout my career, I have been interested in exploring
material culture from an archaeological perspective, particularly
the multilayered nature of objects, their history and symbolism, in
paintings, sculptures, installations, videos, performances, and
mixed media works on paper.
More recently, I have started developing a new body of work,
reflecting on the relationship we, as human beings, establish with
the objects we create, use, and discard. I explore two forms of
relationships: hoarding and disassembling.
I address hoarding as horror vacui drawings. These works
depicts accumulations of objects, devices and accessories from
everyday life, piled up, and drawn closely together, so as to flood
the pictorial space. Each object is represented life-size. Hoarding
as clear sign of consumerism, and anxiety before economic crisis,
inform this series. I pair the act of drawing with that of
consuming goods, which is why I pack these metaphorical boxes with
objects of every kind. The title of the works indicate the number
of objects drawn in it.
As for the dissasembling series, I focus on a single object
which function is that of offering audio or visual
information (radios, cameras, tvs, etc…), and the act of dismantle
it becomes an anatomic lesson of sorts, which allows the viewer to
metaphorical immerse themselves into a new world composed by the
history, epoch, ideology, materials and shapes hidden in this
Therefore from these works I usually extract the objects that
become subjects of my videos, characterized by the use of the
stop-motion animation.
For additional information about this artist, visit Mutual Art