Vikenti Komitski: Basic and The Beast

SARIEV Contemporary, Plovdiv, Plovdiv, 01/27/2017 - 03/04/2017

40, Otets Paisiy Street


SARIEV Contemporary is pleased to present young Berlin-based Bulgarian artist Vikenti Komitski’s solo show Basic and The Beast. Vikenti Komitski uses different media (drawing, collage, photography, objects) to capture his intuitions, moods and insights contaminated by immediate visual experience of everyday urban life. Streets, mass electronic and commercial images fall within the scope of his latest works.

Among the images in the exhibition Basic and The Beast a message develops through the change of perspective: Always Here Never There. A poetic statement drawn from psychology as a mechanism for self-assertion based on absence. Absence is the engine regardless of whether it is a natural human tendency to follow impulses beyond reality or a historical construct of the contemporary organisation of labour promising contentment somewhere beyond the cycle of catching up with the clock and material needs. Delayed contentment is replaced by possibilities of immediate consumption: a basic mode of life (‘basic’ being a hip-hop culture term), stable and monotonous with its cheap accessories, accessible substitutes and available virtual statuses in stock. The consumer existence is subject to short-lived stimuli activated by various products, images and packaging which also give promises.

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Vikenti Komitski

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