

The Dairy Center for the Arts, Utah, Boulder, 10/11/2013 - 12/08/2013

2590 Walnut Street


Artists: Ai Weiwei, John Armleder, Sylvie Auvray, Tom Benson, Valentin Carron, Jake And Dinos Chapman, George Condo, Ann Craven, Thomas Demand, Fang Lijun, Urs Fischer, Théodore Fivel, Sylvie Fleury, Fos, Cyprien Gaillard, Gunjan Gupta, Anthea Hamilton, Thilo Heinzmann, Terence Koh, Sergej Jensen, Rashid Johnson, Per Kirkeby, Adriana Lara, Franck Leibovici & Diemo Schwarz, Ursula Mayer, Takashi Murakami, Order Of The Third Bird, Jagannath Panda, Mai-thu Perret, Sigmar Polke, Laure Prouvost, R.h. Quaytman, Ugo Rondinone, Sterling Ruby, Tomas Saraceno, Julian Schnabel, Cindy Sherman, Dirk Skreber, Haim Steinbach, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Thukral And Tagra, Andro Wekua, Douglas White, Zeng Fanzhi.

The Dairy Art Centre is pleased to present ‘Island’, an exhibition bringing together the works of over forty established and emerging international contemporary artists. It is constructed as the unfolding chapters of a novel based on Aldous Huxley’s Island of 1962, autopian story and counterpart to the Brave New World written thirty years earlier.

Inspired by some of the themes of the novel, the exhibition presents a selection of works from the collection of Dairy Art Centre founders, Frank Cohen and Nicolai Frahm, whilst also including loans from the Americas, Asia and Europe, and a dozen new commissions and first-time releases.

New commissions include Swiss artist Sylvie Fleury’s giant mushrooms, a clock work by John Armleder, a new wall painting by U.S. artist Ann Craven, ambiguous material by the Order of the Third Bird, traces of evanescent wall mural by Tom Benson, new works by Ursula Mayer, and Franck Leibovici & Diemo Schwarz.

For More Information


Rashid Johnson
Adriana Lara
Ursula Mayer

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