Dietmar Lutz (b. 1968 Ellwangen, Germany) lives and works in
Characteristic of his work is an unusual lightness giving the
feeling that each piece comprises a fragment of its own
individual higher structure. Mainly concerned with the forms of
humans and objects, Lutz creates a visual and narrative space
in both his large format paintings and small watercolours. The
criteria of abstract painting is hence just as important for
reading his work as are the traditions of sketch- and travel
Recent exhibitions of Lutz's work include solo shows at Emily Tsingou
Gallery in London, Faye Fleming Gallery in Geneva and
CENTER in Berlin as well as international group shows at
Frankfurter Kunstverein, Seattle Art Museum, Kerstin Engholm
Gallery in Vienna and Eastside Projects in Birmingham, UK.
For additional information about this artist, visit Mutual Art